We repair all types of footwear
from replacing a stiletto tip
to re-welting gentlemen's shoes.
Zips can be replaced or repaired,
uppers can be patched, polished or dyed, heels can be lowered,
recovered, and replaced entirely, shoes and boots can be stretched,
circumference of boots reduced and enlarged, insoles replaced,
weatherproofed, waterproofed, stain proofed, linings can be
replaced or repaired, lace ups can be changed to Velcro and
Velcro to lace ups, broken can be unbroken......
Footwear adaptations can take on many
forms, from adding Velcro fastenings to make it easier for
arthritic fingers to orthopaedic raises on the outside or
inside of the footwear for leg length discrepancy.
We take great pride in the quality
of our work and endeavour at all times to provide the most
aesthetically pleasing adaptation. Often raises can be set
into the sole and heel so that it is barely visible, this
can be achieved on both moulded units (trainers etc.) and
standard rubber or leather soles. Materials are used that
as far as possible, match the footwear.
Bespoke insoles, inside raises and
custom made orthotics can be an enormous help to alleviate
the associated problems with both posture and painful feet,
and can be made to fit your existing footwear or bespoke footwear.
Please contact us for further information.
You may personally bring your repairs
and adaptations to either of our premises, or we are happy
to receive footwear by post, please contact us for information
on exact cost of repair.